Fast-Track Your Repair Permit

Fast-Track Your Repair Permits Banner

In an effort to assist Houstonians, Houston Permitting Center is implementing an expedited permitting and plan review process due to the severe weather that has impacted the City of Houston. The department is allowing for repairs of structures. Below are the permit types that qualify for this expedited service: 

  • Weatherheads 
  • Reroofing 
  • Minor (like-for like which is no improvement repairs) Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing repairs 

To participate, follow these steps:  

  1. Make sure your project complies with your subdivision’s deed restrictions. 
  2. Submit your repair permit request through Ipermits. 
  3. Call the Permitting Department with the following information: 
    1. Eight-digit project number 
    2. Project address  
  4. Once all necessary information has been obtained, the permitting department will expedite for processing. 

If you have any questions, please contact:  

If your home is in the floodplain, you must contact the Floodplain Management Office before making any repairs. For more information, visit the Floodplain Management Office

Revised July 9, 2024