Plan Review
Not Required
Not Required
Not Required
Admin fee
Valid Period
Unpaid: 6 Months; Paid: Until Wastewater Capacity is Used
Processing Time
12 business days
If impact fees were paid but development never occurred, the capacity may be transferred to another site within the same wastewater treatment plant through a site to site transfer application.
What You Need
All site to site transfer applications must be accompanied with:
- A site plan or survey indicating the dimensions of the property must be attached to the Wastewater Capacity Reservation Transfer Application when the site is:
- Property is not located in a subdivision
- Located on a portion of a lot or reserve in a subdivision; or
- An acreage tract
- A title report less than thirty (30) days old must be submitted for the property from which capacity is to be transferred.
- Written approval of the transfer from any and all lien holders listed on the title report.
- Verification that the impact fees or capital recovery have been paid for the wastewater to be transferred.
Please use GeoLink HUB to identify your wastewater treatment plant.
Apply Online
Effective June 1, 2020, the Impact Fee Administration section will operate by appointment only, with a paperless policy. For the safety of our customers and employees, we will not be accepting paper documents at scheduled appointments.
- Email the completed application and supporting document to [email protected]
- Schedule an appointment with an Impact Fee Administration manager or supervisor by phone or email:
- [email protected],
- [email protected],
- [email protected],
- [email protected], and
- [email protected]
- Call 832.394.8888 and ask to speak with Erica Montano, Ava Mickle, Nikkia Thomas, or Deidre VanLangen.
Apply in Person
Effective June 1, 2020, all Site to Site Transfer applications must be submitted by email.