Site work is all work regarding the flatwork of a project that is not part of a building's physical structure. This usually includes grading, excavation, construction and installation of driveways and utilities.
Applicant must pay for permit prior to construction. Permit must be kept on premises in public view, facing the right of way. Pre-construction, pre-fill (if introducing additional fill on site), and final inspections are conducted.
1. Floodplain development permit is not complete until signed,
2. Violations of the permit will be subject to citations as provided per Chapter 19 of the Code of Ordinances.
3. Fees may vary depending on acreage size and if the parcel is located in a conveyance zone or the floodway.
Development permit fees may vary depending on acreage size and if the parcel is located in a conveyance zone or the floodway. See the City Fee Schedule and search for "flood plain" for more details.
1. Mitigation Plan,
2. Conveyance Analysis (if property lies in conveyance zone),
3. Topographic survey,
4. Grading/drainage plan
Applicant can use Project Dox to submit online:
1. Upload all required documents and drawings
2. Mark complete the assigned task.
1. Pre-Construction Inspection: a. A copy of the approved plans and permit onsite. 2. Pre-Fill Inspection: a. A copy of the approved plans onsite b. A completed Pre-Fill Mitigation Certificate (if applicable). May require: a pre-fill topographical survey and/or evidence of spoils removal and placement outside of the floodplain. 3. Site work Final Inspection: a. A copy of the approved plans onsite May require: As-Built Survey, As-Built Mitigation Plan/Calculations, evidence of spoils removal and placement outside of the floodplain.
In Person: (832) 394-885 Automated: (713) 222-9922