You are a generator if you own or manage:
- A carwash, lube station, laundromat or dry cleaner
- An apartment complex with 10 or more washing machines per section
- Any establishment with an interceptor (grease trap, lint trap, oil/water separator, lift station, grit trap, reclaim, etc.)
- A septic tank (residential and commercial)
Residential septic tank waste generators
Domestic septic tank waste generators are required to register their septic tanks before a city of Houston permitted waste hauler will evacuate the septic tank. There is no fee for a first time registration, but in the event the certificate of registration is lost, then a replacement fee will be assessed.
Generator responsibilities
Section 47-512(b) of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances mandates that every interceptor located within the incorporated City limits must be fully evacuated at least on a quarterly basis (every 90 days) unless a Notice of Waiver application is submitted and approved.
Paper permit or certificate is given and must be posted in public view at the facility.
An inspection is conducted for initial and new ownership establishments.
- Affidavit of Holding Capacity form
- State Sales and Use Tax Permit ID or copy of the Certificate of Occupancy
For a replacement certificate:
- Generator Application form only
Bring the completed affidavit and supporting documents to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087
Mail the completed affidavit and supporting documents to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087
All establishments with interceptors will be inspected on a routine basis or if a complaint is reported. There will be no notification for inspections.
During an inspection, the investigator will need to be provided the following documents:
- Original Fats, Oils, and Grease permit
- Yellow and white copies of waste manifests for the past 5 years
- Invoices from permitted biological pre-treatment company (if applicable)
- Notice of Waiver (if applicable)
- Copies of previous inspections
Investigators will check your trap, if necessary, and sample well to ensure that your discharge is consistent with the mandated parameters. Your dumpster, rendering oil bin, and surrounding area will also be checked for proper maintenance and upkeep.
Upon completion of inspection, you will be asked to sign inspection form and citation when applicable. Copies of the inspection form will be given to you for your records.
- Invoice (sent one month before expiration date)
- Method of payment
- Click the Pay Now link
- Accepted forms of payment are credit/debit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover)
- Once payment is received, the permit will be mailed to the mailing address on file.
Bring the invoice and method of payment to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087
Mail the invoice and payment (check only) to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087
- Invoice (sent one month before expiration date)
- Method of payment
- Click the Pay Now link
- Accepted forms of payment are credit/debit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover)
- Once payment is received, the permit will be mailed to the mailing address on file.
Bring the invoice and method of payment to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087
Mail the invoice and payment (check only) to:
7427 Park Place
Houston, Texas 77087