Low Speed Shuttle Zone Review

Plan Review
Not Required
Not Required
Not Required
Valid Period
As needed
Processing Time
1-5 business days
Administration & Regulatory Affairs

Physical Address:
1002 Washington Ave., 1st floor
Houston, TX 77002

8 am to 4 pm


Low speed shuttle zones are the zones the operator intends to operate their low speed shuttle vehicle. Zones are not exclusive.

After Approval

Approval is sent via email to customer that the zone is approved.

Conditions & Exceptions

May require review by the City's Traffic Engineer depending on size and location of zone.

Zone amendments require new filing.

Statutory Authority
What You Need
  • Map of requested zone must be submitted prior to operation.
  • Method of payment: cash, check, cashier’s check, money order, or debit/credit card
Apply in Person
  1. Bring the map and payment to the Houston Permitting Center.
  2. Obtain a numbered ticket from the Information Desk. Please wait in the lobby until your number is called.
Additional Resources