License authorizes holder to sell beer in a lawful container direct to the consumer but not for resale and not to be opened or consumed on or near the premises where sold.
Renewal is required during the term of the location's TABC eligibility.
To establish a City fee account, the following data must be provided:
- Business trade name
- Business (location) address
- Business owner name and contact information (mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and primary contact - if available)
- Primary TABC license/permit number
- Certificate of Occupancy number
- Method of payment: cash, check, cashier's check, money order, or debit/credit card
- Bring the required documents and payment to the Houston Permitting Center.
- Obtain a numbered ticket from the Information Desk. Please wait in the lobby until your number is called.
Approval of some locations may be based on the account holder providing on-going sales data to warrant continuation of alcohol sales/service. The City will provide the necessary form and advise the account holder when this information must be submitted.
Once a permit is issued, enforcement checks may occur, and are unscheduled and unannounced.
- Renewal notice (mailed at least 30 days prior to the account expiration date)
- Method of payment: cash, check, cashier's check, money order, or debit/credit card
If notice has not been received, contact 832-394-8803 and request a fee statement from ARA - Commercial Permitting & Enforcement.
- Bring the renewal notice and payment to the Houston Permitting Center.
- Obtain a numbered ticket from the Information Desk. Please wait in the lobby until your number is called.
Return the renewal notice with payment to:
Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department
Commercial Permitting & Enforcement Section
PO Box 1561
Houston, TX 77251-1561
Make checks and money orders payable to City of Houston.
If on-going sales data reports are required, the City will provide the necessary form and advise the account holder when this information must be submitted.
- Renewal notice (mailed at least 30 days prior to the account expiration date)
- Method of payment: cash, check, cashier's check, money order, or debit/credit card
If notice has not been received, contact 832-394-8803 and request a fee statement from ARA - Commercial Permitting & Enforcement.
- Bring the renewal notice and payment to the Houston Permitting Center.
- Obtain a numbered ticket from the Information Desk. Please wait in the lobby until your number is called.
Return the renewal notice with payment to:
Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department
Commercial Permitting & Enforcement Section
PO Box 1561
Houston, TX 77251-1561
Make checks and money orders payable to City of Houston.
If on-going sales data reports are required, the City will provide the necessary form and advise the account holder when this information must be submitted.