In accordance with city policy, most permit, license, and registration fees will increase by 2.662727% effective January 1, 2024. This percentage is based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI).
- The new administrative fee will be $32.16
- The new minimum fee for most Building Code Enforcement permits will be $87.24
- The new minimum fee for plumbing permits will be $93.48
Applications for single trade permits submitted prior to the effective date will be grandfathered under the previous fees. Construction plans submitted prior to January 1, 2024, must comply with the prerequisites for the 2023 fees to apply. Mailed invoices are subject to the fees on the date of the invoice.
Applications for Water and Wastewater Capacity Reservation (WCR) letters administratively completed prior to the close of business on Sunday, December 31, 2023, will be processed under the current application fee. Fees for applications accepted thereafter will be assessed at:
- Site-to-site transfers: $321.64 per transfer
- Name transfer: $12.86 per transfer
- Application fee: $64.32 for the first acre and $32.16 for each additional acre
For a complete list of City fees, please visit https://cohweb.houstontx.gov/FIN_FeeSchedule/default.aspx.