The Management District (the District) is created by the State of Texas under the Special District Local Laws Code (associated with Chapter number for each District) to supplement public services inside the District boundaries, which are located within the COH limits.The Maintenance Agreement (Agreement) is made between the City of Houston and the District. The Agreement is necessary for the District to take on obligations relating to certain improvements within the District service area. The improvements benefit the City of Houston in public safety, security, business and economic development as well as beautification of Houston.
Unannounced inspections may be conducted.
submit agreement request to OCE/ROW-Encroachment Group • Email or mail a letter to request for Maintenance Agreement • Exhibit A – Boundaries of District • Exhibit B - District improvements and locations • Exhibit C - District Maintenance obligations • Exhibit D - Insurance certificates
Bring the request letter and exhibits to the Encroachment Section, located at 1002 Washington Ave. 2nd Floor.
Mail the request letter and exhibits to: Office of the City Engineer ROW-Encroachment 1002 Washington Ave., 2nd Floor Houston, TX 77002
Site plan for improvements