A Commercial Pet Facility means any lot, enclosure, structure, or building where dogs or cats over the age of four months are kept or maintained for any commercial purpose.
This term includes a mobile commercial pet service business. Commercial pet service facility shall not include commercial breeders, hobby/conformation breeders, non-commercial breeders, veterinarians, or veterinary hospitals.
The licensees shall display the certificate at all times in a prominent place in the commercial pet service facility. Inspections may be conducted by BARC Animal Enforcement.
If application is incomplete, documentation is not provided, and does not meet all requirements the permit will not be issued.
- Commercial pet service facility application
- The full name of the applicant, the street address where the business is to be located, and the residence address of each owner, manager and operator of the business;
- Whether any owner or operator is an individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity; provided, however, that the type of business organization shall include only those organizations recognized by the Texas Business Organizations Code ("BOC") and authorized to engage in the type of business covered by this article, and if the organization is a foreign entity required to register under Chapter 9 of the BOC, full and complete copies of the organization's current registration;
- If any owner or operator is a corporation, the names and addresses of all officers of the corporation; and if there are fewer than five shareholders, the names of all shareholders;
- If any owner or operator is a partnership, the type of partnership and names and addresses of all general partners, and for limited partnerships, the names and addresses of all members;
- If any owner or operator is an unincorporated association, the names and addresses of all officers of the association;
- If any applicant does business under an assumed name as that term is defined in Texas Business and Commerce Code § 71.002, all assumed names used;
- A declaration that the operation of a commercial pet service facility at the street address where the business is to be located will not violate any applicable deed restrictions enforceable by the city pursuant to article XV of chapter 10 of this Code;
- A description of the types of services to be provided at the facility;
- A declaration that the minimum standards regarding maintenance, sanitation and prevention of nuisances as set forth in the rules and regulations established by the director pursuant to section 6-123 of this Code have been met;
- A declaration that the director may enter and inspect the facility at any reasonable time
- Any other information reasonably required by the director
Submit all paperwork in person to BARC Animal Shelter:
3200 Carr Street
Houston, TX 77026
Mail the completed application and required documents to:
BARC Animal Shelter
3200 Carr Street
Houston, TX 77026
A renewal invoice is mailed 30 to 45 days prior to the expiration date (December 31st). It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to contact BARC Animal Enforcement prior to expiration date if an invoice is not received.
- Commercial pet service facility application
- Copy of current ID
- Method of payment: check, cash, money order, and credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover)
Submit completed application, copy of current ID, and payment to BARC Animal Shelter:
3200 Carr Street
Houston, TX 77026
Commercial pet facilities must be licensed by January 1st of each calendar year.
A renewal invoice is mailed 30 to 45 days prior to the expiration date (December 31st). It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to contact BARC Animal Enforcement prior to expiration date if an invoice is not received.
- Commercial pet service facility application
- Copy of current ID
- Method of payment: check, cash, money order, and credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover)
Submit completed application, copy of current ID, and payment to BARC Animal Shelter:
3200 Carr Street
Houston, TX 77026
Commercial pet facilities must be licensed by January 1st of each calendar year.