Residential Addition Permit
Residential construction. Residential accessory structures, remodel or conversion of existing buildings or additions to existing buildings.
Permit must be kept on site until final approval is granted.
- Building Permit Application
- Declaration in Support of Application for City of Houston Building Permit
- Grading for Excavation and Fill Worksheet (Form 1094)
- Calculation of Impervious Percentage (Form 1207)
- Complete Set of Plans Uploaded, including the following items:
- Texas registered survey or complete site plan showing existing property lines, easements, building setback lines, and showing the existing building, proposed addition and any other structures located on the site.
- Foundation plans showing pad location, concrete strength, beam details with dimensions, and the steel bar layout with sizes noted. (Professional Engineer designed plans may be required for concrete slabs)
- If block and base, indicate the size, spacing, grade, and species of floor joists.
- Floor plans that include the addition and footprint of the existing building showing in detail the adjacent areas of the existing building, with use of each room labeled, and the location of partitions, windows and doors identified.
- Door and window schedule or plan with all dimensions clearly indicated.
- Roofing and Framing plans indicating size, spacing, grade, and species of ceiling joists and rafters, and if required, the location of purlins. (Professional Engineer designed plans may be required)
- Wall section details indicating size, spacing, grade, and species of studs to determine the method of bracing.
- Plans shall indicate materials used.
- Plans must include details showing how compliance with windstorm or strapping is achieved. (Reference Section 302 or Appendix L of the IRC)
- Plans must show prescriptive compliance with the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code or include REScheck or IC3 Compliance Report.
1. Log in or create an iPermits account at: (IF AVAILABLE)
2. Complete building permit application
3. Pay plan review fees.
4. Receive email invitation from ProjectDox to upload plans.
May require approval by any or all of the following groups based on scope or other conditions: Structural, Planning, Utilities, Stormwater, Traffic, Forestry, Flood Plain.
- Building Permit Application and Complete Set of Plans Uploaded.
Once application is approved and the plan review fee (PX) has been paid, an email to upload and submit plans will be sent to the applicant.
Plans must be submitted for review by all applicable departments.
Permit and plans are required to be on-site for inspection. If corrections are required, call 832-394-8840 for a reinspection.
*Effective immediately, a legal form survey must be provided to the inspector on the first scheduled structural inspection. This new requirement applies to all new construction and additions (those that extend the existing footprint). The new requirement includes all slab on grade, and pier and beam foundations.
To schedule inspections, contact the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System at 713-222-9922. Trade inspections must be scheduled by the appropriate registered licensed contractor.
Enter the appropriate project number into the field and click Submit button.