Dredging Permit

Instrument Reference Number
Valid Period
1 year
Not Required
Plan Review
Admin fee

It shall be unlawful for any person to perform or cause to be performed any dredging, excavating or mining in the control area without first having obtained a permit. Dredge means to remove material from below the stated normal conservation pool elevations of the lake. Mine means an excavation in the earth from which ores, coal, limestone, sand or other mineral substances are being or have been removed by excavation or other mining methods. A mine shall include an area of land or surface actively or previously mined for the production of dimension stone, crushed or broken stone, sand, gravel, and clay.

After Approval

Permit must be presented at time of inspection.

Conditions and Exceptions

A permit application for dredging, excavating or mining will not be processed or issued until the applicant demonstrates that it has obtained all required state and federal permits.

Apply What you need

(1) A complete application. (2) Proof of insurance, if required; (3) Financial assurance, if required; (4) All applicable fees; (5) Copies of applicable state and federal permits, licenses and authorizations; (6) Plans, specifications and such other documents, as applicable; and (7) A copy of any approvals obtained from the Parks director and the City Council, if required.

Apply in Person Steps

Bring the application and supporting documents to the Lake Houston Office, located at 22627 W. Shorewood Loop Dr., Huffman, TX 77336. Once plans are approved by the Lake Houston Office, they are routed to the Kingwood Office to complete the permitting. Pay for permit online.

Plan Review What you need

Permit applications for dredging, excavating or mining must include a plat showing the property lines, a site plan showing the area of proposed dredging or excavation, the proposed methods of dredging, excavating or mining, and an estimate of the amount of material to be removed.

Plan Review Submit in Person Steps

Submit complete plan set in person to the Lake Houston Office, located at 22627 Sherwood Loop, Huffman, TX, 77336.

Inspection What you need

Upon completion of construction, schedule an inspection.

Inspection Schedule by Phone Steps

To schedule an inspection, call the Lake Houston office at 832-395-6625.

Source URL: https://www.houstonpermittingcenter.org/hpwcode1005