NFIP Map Amendments and Revisions

Instrument Reference Number
Not Required
Not Required
Plan Review
Not Required
Plan review fee
No fee
Processing Time

FEMA is responsible for maintaining the NFIP FIRMs. However, FEMA provides mechanisms for individuals, private organizations, and public agencies to modify flood hazard map information on an as-needed basis. The available mechanisms for modifying FIRM data are identified as: (1) Conditional Letter of Map Amendment (CLOMA), (2) Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)

After Approval

The requestor is responsible for submitting the application to FEMA. The requestor is also responsible for posting any public notices that may be required by FEMA as part of the application. Verification that any required notices have been or will be properly posted must be included with the application package. The transmittal letter of the application and supporting document to FEMA by the applicant should be copied to the FMO for their files.

Apply What you need

FEMA requires certain forms to be completed and submitted for approval depending on the type of map modification being sought by an applicant. The forms and instructions are available for download from the FEMA website at

Some forms require the signature of the City Engineer (or designee) on the Community Acknowledgment Form.

Apply in Person Steps

Apply in person at 1002 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor (appointment required)

Apply Conditions & Exceptions

The requestor must submit four (4) complete copies of the application and supporting documentation to the FMO for review. A copy will be submitted to HCFCD for a “Letter of Concurrence”. Following a successful review, the package will be submitted to the city engineer for signature. The requestor will be contacted when the signed forms are returned to the FMO. One complete package will be retained by the FMO.

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